
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Finished Pictures!


  1. These are really nice maggie! I love the contrasting images especially the bird and the space needle.I think that you could also find an interesting image to contrast with yours second picture, of the guy with the two stipes tatoo.

  2. These are all fantastic!
    I like how you set up the person in a way that expresses the tattoo. The forth picture is my favorite because his tattoo is a bird, and he looks like he is about to take off flying.

  3. I really like the poses you have each person doing. It adds a sense of power to the picture. The first, second and fourth pictures are my favorite. The lighting in the first one and the connection to the tree makes it really strong. In the second one, the real smile on his face makes the picture seem real. The fourth one, the pose gives the picture signifigance and strength. The only thing I'd say for the improvment part is on the 6th picture (the one with the balls) could you retake the hand pic? It took me a long time to realize what the tattoo was and they're also a bit blurry. But great job!!

  4. I love the focus on the tattoos in all the photos. Paring them with the physical objects emphasizes the tattoos even more and adds to the focal point. In the picture of the hand, it's extremely contrasted to the point where it's hard to tell what it is.

  5. I am impressed by the turn out of your pictures. I enjoy each and every one of them. Great job.

  6. I really like how you combined your tattoo images with images they relate to. One picture I don't really like is the picture of the hand, I like the one it relates to, but the actual hand isn't the strongest... but it's really hard to get a picture of your hand. Overall, I think your pictures are great! I'm glad you found enough tattoos to take shots of, they turned out awesome! Good job!

  7. These pictures are so nice and clear. I love your diptics and how you used objects that were similar to the tatoos.
    I love the background in your second picture but I wish the tatoo was more elabrate.I think you picked a really good concentration though and your pictures look great.

  8. I liked your theme alot, and I think that you did a really great job of representing it in all your pictures.. I think that just mmabey even though I think that the second picture is great, it doesnt give much empasize of the tattoo. But other then that good job :)

  9. Wonderful job Maggie! These photos are wonderful. Very clear with beautiful, striking contrast, as well as the composure/posture of each model. It gives each picture a lot of strength! The only photo I'd change is the sixth photo; the hand isn't as clear as the rest. Other than that, amazing job! :)

  10. Oh Mags! Your photos are awesome!I LOVE your theme and I think you did a really good job with making them super interesting and how the each tell a story. Your photos are straight beautiful! I love them, and I love you!
    Great job!!!

  11. The theme you chose is amazing! Very unique from everybody else in the class and I really like how you take picturs. You have such a good eye and I also like how you used different people with tattoos. GREAT JOB!

  12. All of these are excellent photographs. I especially like the shot of Evan's back and his direction toward the water. You should retake the one of your hand though, it looks a little bit blury, but placing it agaist those orbs was a really good idea. I also really like the collage of the process of getting a tattoo. Your final image could be strengthened by getting a picture of the same kind of bird as is in the tattoo, or maybe just lighten that picture a little.

  13. These turned out really well! I like that you mixed the methods of collaging and the stories. The color is fab! I think you should try flipping the leg/space needle photo so that the leg is one the righ side of the shot like the space needle.

  14. Maggie, i love your theme and think you did a great job on your photos. I like the collaged ones cause to me it shows that from the world and the things in it comes tattoos. I really like that in the third to last one you showed the person actually tattooing. I think that definitly added a lot to your final photos.

  15. I loved your Pictures! My favorite one is the first one. I think they are all so full of this connection to earth, which by the way. Maybe you could change the last one with the bird tattoo because its a bit blurry.
